This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Board Game Arenaでは、尊敬とフェアプレイ環境を備えた、強く競争的な雰囲気を保ちたいと思っています。
- 他プレーヤーからの意見 (
- 終了したゲーム %
- 時間遅延ペナルティで終了したゲーム %
あなたはいつでも, 他のプレイヤーに や
- a
- a
if you disliked to play with him/her, and discourage others to play with this player.
You can only give a single thumb (green or red) to a single player. If your opinion evolved you can click again on a thumb to reflect this change. (あなたは一人のプレイヤーに、一つの評価(緑または赤)を与えることができます。あなたの意見が変わった場合は、この変更を反映するためにマークをもう一度クリックして評価を変えることが出来ます。)
As soon as you give a "red thumb" to a player, a warning message is displayed when you try to join a table where this player is. In this situation it is recommended to leave the game or to expel this player. (あなたが赤マークを与えたプレイヤーがテーブルに参加しようとするとすぐに警告メッセージが表示されます。 この状況ではそれがゲームを終了するか、この選手を追放することをお勧めします。)
By nature, opinions are subjectives. There is nothing we can do for you if you receive a for an unfair reason. However, we know by experience that this system has a lot of advantages and give a relevant information. (本来ならば、見解は人それぞれです。 あなたの受け取り方に対し、私たちがあなたのためにできることは何もありません。 しかしながら、私たちはこのシステムが多くの長所を持つことを経験によって知っており、この情報を与えます。)
Qn: its unclear if the "> 10% unfavorable" warning is calculated against the number of "thumbs up / thumbs down
".. or "total number of unique players played with / thumbs down".
Hope the formula is the latter.. as the first formula will raise many more warnings.. more idiots give thumbs down, and are lazier to give thumb up.
評判の悪さが10%に達するには、『イイネ! / 悪いわー
あるいは、「ユニークプレイヤーと遊んだ / 悪いわーの合計」です。
最初の定式がさらに多くの警告を上げるとともに、式が後者であることを望みます・・・。 愚か者がより「悪いわー」を受けて、「イイネ!」を出されますように。)
Advice: how to get plenty of 
- Be polite! Say at least "hello" and "good luck" at the beginning of the game, and maybe "good game" ("gg") at the end of the game.
(・紳士的になること!最低でも"hello『こんにちは』"や"good luck『幸運を祈るよ』"をゲームの開幕に言いましょう。そして"good game『いいゲームだった』" とか"gg"とかをゲームの終了時にいいましょう。)
- When you need some time to think, click on "I would like to think a little" link.
- Always stay calm: it's a game.
- Don't press your opponent to play if he has some time left.
- If you really can't finish the game (this is not supposed to happen...), then say you are sorry and leave the game (don't wait to get expelled) to save your opponents time. Voluntarily disconnecting and conceding victory to the opponent does not cost you reputation like being expelled does.
- Be a good loser: if your lose because of bad luck or a strategy you dislike, don't blame the luck or your opponent (and don't give him a
for this reason!).
- Be a good winner: if your opponent makes a mistake you can signal it to him, but avoid triumphalism and provocation.
What are the consequences of a bad reputation ?
A bad reputation makes you suspect to your potential opponents. You will have to explain your situation, and maybe some players won't take the risk to play with you.
It is also possible to filter players by reputation on a table. The worse your reputation is, the bigger difficulties you will have to find opponents.