This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
- 1つのコマ(ダイス)を振り、元の位置に配置します
- 1つのコマを上面に見える絵柄に従ったルールに沿って移動する
- 炎(Flame): 全方向に真っ直ぐ、もしくは斜めに移動できる
- 本(Book): 全方向に真っ直ぐに移動できる。
- 剣(Swords): 全方向斜めに移動できる。
- 木(Tree): 前後真っ直ぐに、もしくは前方斜めに移動できる。
- 耳(Ear): 全く移動できない!
- 帽子(Hat): 全方向に真っ直ぐ2マス進み横に1マス進む(チェスのナイトの動き)。
A piece arrived into his destination Home Row cannot move afterwards. Nonetheless, it can always finish a series of jumps before coming to a rest.
Playing online
Reordering your pieces: before starting to play, each player can reorder his pieces in his Home Row. To accomplish this, you can drag and drop a piece over another to exchange their positions. When you are done, click on the 'I'm finished' link above the play space. When all players are finished reordering, the game starts.
Select a piece: click on a piece. Available destinations for this piece (jumps comprised) are then highlighted.
Move a piece: click on the destination you want to move to. After a jump, if it is possible to make another jump, corresponding destinations will be highlighted. You can also stop where you are by clicking on the 'I'm finished' link above the play space.
Path selection: in order to move to a given destination, the hat can select between two moves. Either two steps forward then one on the side, or one step on the side then two steps forward. Distinct pieces may be rolled by following one path or another. Choosing the movement you want is done by clicking the link '1->2' or the link '2->1' (selected path is then highlighted), then by clicking the link 'I'm finished' above the play space.
Available variants
Random start: for a more random game, starting pieces are rolled (Ears are rolled again till getting only moving pieces).
Rule of Chaos: to encourage more chaos, a player cannot cross the middle of the board with any of their pieces until their starting Home Row has been emptied: all pieces have to be put in play at the same time.
Random start & Rule of Chaos : combination of the two previous variants.
Have a good game !