This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


提供:Board Game Arena
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=== Explore a Franklin site or a Strait ===
=== フランクリンサイトや海峡の探索 ===
''Cost: 3 Crewmen''
''コスト:乗組員 3人''

<Click on the bonus chip.>

1 prestige point is awarded for the discovery multiplied by the zone multiplier (x1 / x2 / x3), and additionally, points are awarded at the end of the game for the players having the most bonuses of a given type (see tooltip).
発見されたゾーン倍率(x1 / x2 / x3)によって1名声点に乗算された点が入ります。加えてゲーム終了時に最も多く得たプレーヤーに報酬として名声点が入ります。


2013年10月25日 (金) 10:13時点における版

Looking for the Franklin Expedition

In 1845, Sir John Franklin led an expedition on behalf of the British Royal Navy to find and explore the last portion of the Northwest Passage. They sailed into unknown waters, and no-one ever heard from them again... Players must venture into these hazardous Arctic waters in order to discover Franklin’s fate and succeed where he failed: by finding the Northwest Passage.

In the game, prestige is awarded for exploring islands and straits, getting information from Inuits or Cairns about the Franklin Expedition, finding shipwrecks of the expedition, and for being among the first to find their way up to the Northwest Passage and back to Groenland. The player with the most Prestige points at the end of the game is the winner. In case of a tie, the first tied player to have returned to Greenland is the winner.










コスト: 乗組員 1人



コスト: 乗組員 2人



  1. リフレッシュ:ボード上の全ての大タイルをストックからランダムで引いた4枚の新タイルに置き換える。元のタイルはストックに戻す。
  2. タイルを引く:大または小探索タイルをとり自分の個人ストックに加える。


コスト: 乗組員 1人



  • タイルはボード上の黒いグリッドに沿って配置する事。
  • タイルは少なくとも1辺(長い方でも短い方でも)プレーヤーが存在しているタイルに繋がっていなくてはならない(船かそりのいずれか、この実行アクションによります)。
  • 新たに置かれるタイルの陸地や海域は隣接タイルの全ての陸、海に従って配置されなければならない(上下左右、斜めも)。




コスト: 乗組員 1人




コスト: 乗組員 1人


船の移動: 海の航路によって繋がっている隣接タイルに船を移動させます。

そりの移動: 陸路でつながっている隣接タイルにそりを移動させます。そりは凍結していない海を渡ることはできません。




コスト:乗組員 3人


発見されたゾーン倍率(x1 / x2 / x3)によって1名声点に乗算された点が入ります。加えてゲーム終了時に最も多く得たプレーヤーに報酬として名声点が入ります。

Discover an Inuit or a Cairn

Cost: 2 Crewmen

<Click on the bonus chip.>

2 prestige point is awarded for the discovery multiplied by the zone multiplier (x1 / x2 / x3).


A player can choose to Pass and take no action during his turn, even if he still has available Crewmen. In this case, the player cannot take any more actions during this round. If a player has no available Crewmen, he automatically passes.


The game ends either: at the end of the Action Phase of the tenth round or if all of the Expeditions have returned to Greenland.

In addition to the point earned during the game, players receive more Prestige points based on the tokens they picked up along the way.

Exploration Points:

Point are awarded to the player(s) with the most, second most, and third most Shipwrecks, Straits, and Cartography tokens (see tooltips for scoring).

Set Points:

Each set is composed of one token of each Discovery type – one Inuit, one Cairn, one Shipwreck, one Strait, and one Cartography token. Each set gives a bonus of 6 prestige points.

Abandonment Penalty:

Each Sled and/or Ship which did not return to Greenland before the end of the tenth Exploration season is lost. When a Ship or a Sled is lost, all of the crewmen in the corresponding column are lost with it. Every lost Ship and/or Sled gives a penalty of -2 Prestige points for each corresponding lost Crewman. An abandoned ship gives a penalty of -2 Prestige points.