This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


提供:Board Game Arena
2015年11月3日 (火) 03:51時点におけるNorthpia7 (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動


6ラウンドの間, place your divers in order to gain the upper hand in the five great domains that are Science, Exploration, Navigation, Engineering and War.






分野カードをシャッフルする. うち5枚のカードをゲームボードの空きスペースに表向きで置く.

The remaining cards form the draw pile which is placed next to the game board, face down.










いくつかのダイバーカードは水平または垂直の矢印がかいてある. それらをプレイした時、移動アクションが発生する.

At the end of the round, the value of the Diver cards placed face-up, on both sides of the Nautilus, will determine who gets the Domain cards in play.

End of the Round

The round ends as soon as all 10 spaces on both sides of the Nautilus have been filled by a card (Diver or special).

The Domain cards are then awarded. A player gets a Domain card when the value of the Diver card on their side is higher than that of the one on the opposite side.

End of Game and Scoring

The game ends at the end of the 6th round, when the pile of Domain cards is empty.

Each player takes the pile of Domain cards won during the game. In each of the 5 domains (Science, Exploration, Navigation, Engineering, War),

the players will compare their totals: two stars are worth 2 points, one star is worth 1 point, an ink blot removes 1 point from the concerned domain.

The player with the highest points score in a domain wins that domain.

The player who wins most domains wins the game.

Game Option

"Domain cards" option:

- Visible: all collected domain cards by players are visible (by default).

- Hidden: collected cards by player are visible and collected cards by opponent are hidden.

Some Features of This Adaptation of the Game

Duration of the game is 6 rounds by rules, but in this adaptation the game can proceed less 6 rounds.

It can happen when one of players has won 3 of 5 domains at end of one of rounds.

Player won the domain at end a round if:

1. He has gained 4 or more score points in the domain (during all previous rounds including current round).


2. He has gained 3 score points in the domain and domain card with -1 point(ink blot) already was played off (already in hand of one of players).

It was done to end a game and not to play superfluous rounds when one of players already won a game.

At end of game each player gets 1 victory point for each domain won (domain won by player when one of two conditions was executed, see above).

Total score of a game is number of domains won by each player.